SLL Project



The Saving Lives and Livelihoods (SLL) is a joint programme between AU Africa Centre of Disease Control and the Mastercard Foundation with 4 key pillars namely; purchase at least 50M COVID-19 vaccine doses, Support deployment of COVID-19 vaccine doses; Strengthen vaccine manufacturing of human vaccines and Strengthen Africa CDC’s capacity and capabilities. KRCS is one of the leading implementing partners in the Eastern Africa region coordinating implementation of Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) activities in 14 member states in collaboration with other supported partners on programme strategies and implementation including AMREF, WFP, AKROS and UNICEF. So far 9 member states have been sub-contracted, namely; Djibouti, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Comoros and Somalia. The member states are at different levels of implementation.

In the consortium KRCS has continued to coordinate implementation of activities across 9 Member states. So far, the COVID-19 Vaccine perception surveys have been completed in Kenya, Djibouti, South Sudan, Rwanda, Uganda and Ethiopia. The findings of the surveys are currently being disseminated to partners and stakeholders across these member states. The SLL programme through the RCCE pillar has continually enhanced community conversation, knowledge, trust and demand creation for COVID vaccine in the respective countries.

Progress / Achievement

Through the various RCCE approaches and use of trusted communication channels, such as billboards, flyer/brochures, newspaper/magazines, radio, television, social media, in-person meetings and public address systems, the region has managed to reach to  41,314,552 (Kenya – 14,092,109; Tanzania – 8,320,301; Rwanda – 5,643,232; South Sudan – 298,344; Ethiopia – 3,598,187; Comoros – 307,716; Djibouti – 28,602 and Uganda 9,026,061) people while creating the demand for COVID-19 vaccination between April and June 2023. Various ads containing COVID-19 vaccine messaging were used, totaling to 21,980 ads (Kenya – 17,698; Tanzania – 56; Rwanda – 27; South Sudan – 17; Ethiopia – 3,102; Comoros – 807 and Uganda 273). A total of 840 (531 Males & 308 Females) people were trained on RCCE approaches in South Sudan (10), Ethiopia (462), Comoros (222) and Uganda (146). Most of these trainings were done as refresher to the mobilization teams in the respective member states.

Through the DQA and monitoring visits, the member states have gotten opportunities to learn from the IP and vice-versa, as the IP gets to better understand the contexts of operationalization in each of the member states and actualizes the recommendations from the DQA exercise.

The RCCE activities have been integrated into routine immunization in order to avoid missed opportunities and to harmonize demand creation with availability of vaccines to target populations. The Members States have participated in various MoH led initiatives such as the national COVID-19 vaccine campaigns in South Sudan and Tanzania. Through the MoH and the other partners in the various member states, there have been efforts to ensure integration of SLL RCCE activities to TB world event and Marburg response in Tanzania. There was a successful collaboration with the AU Bingwa Initiative in Uganda to carryout RCCE that enhanced the people’s access to the COVID-19 vaccine. There has been increased collaboration with the influencers and opinion leaders who have facilitated and encouraged community members to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID-19 Vaccine perception surveys have been completed in Rwanda, Kenya, Djibouti, Uganda and Ethiopia which currently have dissemination sessions being undertaken to the various stakeholders in the respective member states. This brings to a total of 6 completed COVID-19 vaccine perception surveys conducted in the Eastern Africa Region.

Some of the best practices such as Integration of SLL RCCE activities with other humanitarian actions and responses has led to enhanced reach to the communities receiving humanitarian aid in various contexts.

Project Information :

Africa CDC, African Union, Master Card Foundation
9 Counties
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May 2022 - June 2025

+254 703 037 000

About Us

Kenya Red Cross Society is a humanitarian relief organization, created through an act of parliament CAP256 of the laws of Kenya

We are auxiliary to the National and County Governments and work to alleviate human suffering and preserve life and human dignity.